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Stephen Parker
14 min read
Trans Rights v. Gender Ideology
On one level, the trans phenomenon is a praiseworthy struggle for equality by a marginalized and vulnerable minority. But on another...

Stephen Parker
12 min read
Creating a Skilled Speller
For you, as a skilled speller, writing the words BOAT and NOTE is trivial. You don’t give the task a second thought: BOAT is spelled...

Stephen Parker
33 min read
The Essential Linnea Ehri
A Research-Based Explanation of How Children Learn to Read Words With 160 published papers, Linnea Ehri has been one of the most...

Stephen Parker
10 min read
The "Sine Qua Non" of Reading Acquisition
With over 50 articles in refereed journals, David Share has been one of the most influential reading research scientists in the past 35...

Stephen Parker
14 min read
Why Synthetic (Bottom-Up) Reading Instruction?
Introduction All words consist of individual sounds, called “phonemes,” which seamlessly blend together when the word is spoken. The word...

Stephen Parker
25 min read
A Brief History of Reading Instruction
Introduction For more than a century, reading instruction has been involved in a high-stakes battle between supporters of two opposing...

Stephen Parker
8 min read
The Alphabetic Code Made Easy
The alphabetic code is the set of correspondences that exist between the most basic sounds of English (called phonemes) and the letters...

Stephen Parker
16 min read
Sight Words, Orthographic Mapping, Phonemic Awareness
What, exactly, are sight words? How are they created? How are they related to orthographic mapping? What phonemic awareness skills are...

Stephen Parker
13 min read
Synthetic Phonics: What It Is and What It Is Not
Background During the quarter century, 1975 - 2000, the dominant method for teaching reading in the English-speaking world was Whole...

Stephen Parker
15 min read
The Simple View of Reading: Still Conclusive After 36 Years
In 1986, Whole Language, a philosophy for teaching reading that rejected systematic phonics, was approaching peak popularity. The two...
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